2015/09-2020/09,博士, UCSB :电子工程/Electrical & Computer Engineering
2015/09-2018/06,硕士, UCSB :电子工程/Electrical & Computer Engineering
2011/09-2015/06,本科, 浙江大学竺可桢学院:电子信息工程专业
邵雷来,上海交通大学长聘教轨助理教授、博士生导师。2011-2015年获得浙大(竺可桢学院)电子信息工程专业学士学位;2015-2018年获得加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校ECE硕士学位;2018-2020年获得加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校ECE博士学位, 科研导师为Kwang-Ting Tim Cheng;2020-2021 加入Facebook担任数据科学家;2021年9月加入上海交通大学。博士期间2015-2020年期间与HP Labs, Facebook, Tencent 等工业界实验室密切合作,长期从事新型半导体电子的大规模集成电路设计(VLSI),柔性电子,电路设计自动化(EDA)以及机器学习的算法研究,在相关领域的顶级期刊以及会议发表文章20+篇,包含多篇Invited Papers, 一作(含共同一作)8篇,包括(Nature Communications, IEEE/ACM Design&Test, IEEE/ACM DAC, IEEE DATE, IEEE ASP-DAC), 还获得了EDA领域顶级会议IEEE DATE 2018的Best Paper Award Nominations.
10/2020-07/2021 : Data Scientist, Facebook. Inc.
05/2020-07/2020 : Data Scientist Intern, Tencent, USA.
04/2020-06/2020 : Research Intern, HP. Labs.
06/2019-09/2019 : Data Scientist Intern, Facebook. Inc.
06/2018-12/2018 : Research Intern, HP. Labs
06/2017-09/2017 : Research Intern, HP. Labs
07/2014-09/2014 : Student Research Intern, Harvard University
研究大致分为三个领域:新型器件的大规模集成电路设计; 基于柔性电子的人机接口研发; 智能IoT/可穿戴设备的软硬件整合及优化。
基于新型器件的特性,研发具有高鲁棒性的大规模集成电路。其中还会涉及新型器件的PDK的建立,高鲁棒性Standard Cell的构建和EDA+ML算法的研发。
2023-2026 “工艺—器件—电路协同设计方法”国家重点研发计划(主持课题,课题负责人)
2022-2025 上海市“科技创新行动计划”启明星项(杨帆专项)
-2021 Bonnassieux, Yvan, et al. "The 2021 flexible and printed electronics roadmap." Flexible and Printed Electronics 6.2 (2021): 023001.
-2020 Tsung‐Ching Huang, Ting Lei, Leilai Shao, Sridhar Sivapurapu, Madhavan Swaminathan, Zhenan Bao, Kwang‐Ting Cheng, Raymond Beausoleil., “Process design kit and design automation for flexible hybrid electronics” in Journal of the Society for Information Display.
-2019 Lei, T., Shao, L. (Co-first), Zheng, Y., Pitner, G., Fang, G., Zhu, C., Li, S., Huang, Beausoleil, R., Wong, H. - S., Huang, T. - C., Cheng, K. - T., and Bao, Z. “Low-voltage High- performance Flexible Digital and Analog Circuits based on Ultrahigh-purity Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes”, in Nature Communication.
-2019 Shao, L., Huang, T. - C., Lei, T., Chu, T.-Y., Bao, Z., Beausoleil, R., Wang, M. and Cheng, K. - T., “Compact Modeling of Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Hybrid IoT Design”, in IEEE Transaction of Design & Test.
-2017 Ting Lei, Ming Guan, Jia Liu, Hung-Cheng Lin, Raphael Pfattner, Leo Shaw, Allister F McGuire, Tsung-Ching Huang, Leilai Shao, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Jeffrey B-H Tok, Zhenan Bao., “Biocompatible and totally disintegrable semiconducting polymer for ultrathin and ultralightweight transient electronics” in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
-2021 Shao, L. and Cheng, K. - T., “High-fidelity and Large-area Flexible Hybrid Sensing System”, in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems FLEPS.
-2020 Shao, L., Lei, T., Huang, T. - C., Bao, Z., and Cheng, K. - T., “Robust Design of Large Area Flexible Electronics via Compressed Sensing”, in 57th Design Automation Conference (DAC).
-2019 Shao, L., Li, S., Lei, T., Huang, T. - C., Beausoleil, R., Bao, Z., and Cheng, K. - T., “Ultra-thin Skin Electronics for High Quality and Continuous Skin-Sensor-Silicon Interfacing”, in 56th Design Automation Conference.
-2018 Shao, L., Lei, T., Huang, T. - C., Beausoleil, R., Bao, Z., and Cheng, K. - T., “Compact Modeling of Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Circuit Design”, Best Paper Awards Nomination, in Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Dresden, Germany.
-2018 Shao, L., Lei, T., Huang, T. - C., Beausoleil, R., Bao, Z., and Cheng, K. - T., “Process Design Kit for Flexible Hybrid Electronics”, (Invited paper) in in 23rd Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC).
2017 Huang, T. - C., Shao, L., Lei, T., Beausoleil, R. G., Bao, Z., and Cheng, K. - T. Tim, “Robust Design and Design Automation for Flexible Hybrid Electronics”, in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS).
2020 Graduate Dissertation Fellowship
2018 IEEE DATE Best Paper Award Nominations
2017 ChengMicro Fellowship
2017 Graduate Student NRST Fellowship