[1] Q Pan*, X. Liu, Y. Cai. Optimal Irradiation Spectrum Database for In-reactor 238Pu Production, Advanced Science, 2024,中科院大类一区TOP期刊,IF=14.3
[2] Q. Pan, S. Zheng, X. Liu. Deep-coupling Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Based on Sobol-PR for Reactor Lightweight Optimization. Applied Soft Computing, 2024, 167C, 112458. 中科院大类一区TOP期刊,IF=7.2
[3] Q. Pan*, L. Wang, Y. Cai, et al. Density-extrapolation Global Variance Reduction (DeGVR) Method for Large-scale Radiation Field Calculation. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2023, 143, 10-22. ESI高被引论文,中科院数学大类TOP期刊
[4] Q. Pan*, N. An, T. Zhang, et al. Single-step Monte Carlo criticality algorithm. Computer Physics Communications, 2022, 279, 108439.
[5] Q. Pan*, H. Lv, S. Tang, et al. Pointing Probability Driven Semi-Analytic Monte Carlo Method (PDMC) – Part I: Global Variance Reduction for Large-scale Radiation Transport Analysis. Computer Physics Communications, 2023, 291, 108850.
[6] Q. Pan*, Q. Zhao, X. Liu. Spectrum Importance Model for Heavy Nuclei Synthesis in Reactors: Taking 252Cf as an Example. Computer Physics Communications, 2024.
[7] Q. Pan*, Q. Zhao, L. Wang, et al. Rapid Diagnosis Method for Transplutonium Isotopes Production in High Flux Reactor. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2023, 34, 44. (当期封面论文)
[8] Q. Pan*, Q. Zhao, L. Wang, et al. High-Resolution Neutronics Model for 238Pu Production in High-Flux Reactors. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2024, 35, 88. (当期封面论文)
[9] Q Pan*, K Wang. Uniform Variance Method for Accelerated Monte Carlo Criticality Calculation. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2021, 139, 103858.
[10] Q Pan*, T Zhang, X Liu, et al. Optimal batch size growth for Wielandt method and Superhistory method. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2021, 196(2), 183-192.
[11] Q Pan*, T Zhang, X Liu et al. SP3-Coupled Global Variance Reduction Method Based On RMC Code. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2021, 32, 122.
[12] Q Pan, J Rao, S Huang*, et al. Improved adaptive variance reduction algorithm based on RMC code for deep penetration problems. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 137:1-8.
[13] Q Pan*. K Wang. Acceleration method of fission source convergence based on RMC code. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2020, 52(7):1347-1354.
[14] Q Pan*, K Wang. An adaptive variance reduction algorithm based on RMC code for solving deep penetration problems. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019, 128:171-180.
[15] Q Pan*, K Wang. One-step Monte Carlo global homogenization based on RMC code. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2019, 51:1209-1217.
[16] Q Pan*, J Rao, K Wang, et al. The optimal source bias method based on RMC code. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2018, 121:525-530.
[17] Q Pan*, Y Cai, L Wang et al. Source extrapolation scheme for Monte Carlo criticality calculation based on RMC code. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2022, 166, 108737.
[18] Q Pan*, H Lu, D Li, et al. A new nonlinear iterative method for SPN theory. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2017, 110:920-927.
[19] Q. Pan*, Y. Cai, L. Wang, et al. Improved Wielandt method with real-time error tolerance based on NLSP3 code. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2023, 182, 109621.
[20] Q. Pan*, H. Lv, S. Tang, et al. MAGIC-GPS Global Variance Reduction Method for Large-scale Shielding Calculation. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2023, 414, 112581.
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