题目:Dynamic pricing and inventory control of substitutable products in a nonstationary environment
时间:2023年10月12日 14:30-16:00
地点:j9九游会官方网页版 振华会议室
报告人:沈晓蓓 教授(中国科学技术大学)
邀请人:李勇祥 副教授 (工业工程与管理系)
沈晓蓓,中国科学技术大学管理学院教授,2009年上海交通大学工业工程与管理系获学士学位后赴香港科技大学深造。研究方向包括库存、定价、合约设计等动态决策优化问题,及基于数据的消费者行为分析,主持及完成多项国家自然科学基金项目,包括优秀青年基金项目、面上项目等,在Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management 等期刊发表论文十余篇。
We study optimal inventory-pricing decisions for substitutable products with backlogging and nonstationary data over a finite planning horizon. We characterize the optimal integrated policy, and establish conditions under which the optimal base-stock levels decrease in the overstock levels. The property enhances computation significantly. We construct exact algorithms to compute the optimal policy and computationally efficient heuristics. Our policy and algorithms enable companies to develop prescriptive analytics for multi-product dynamic inventory-pricing decisions with nonstationary costs and demand. We numerically show how the heuristics dynamically influence demands of substitutable products based on their inventory status, which can increase profit substantially, especially when overstock levels are high in a volatile environment.