Assoc.Prof.Dénes Takács学术报告会

题目:Dynamics of Rolling - Stability and Self-Driving

时间:2023年8月22日 13:15

地点:j9九游会官方网页版 F203会议室

报告人:Assoc.Prof.Dénes Takács (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

邀请人:吴晓东 副教授(智能汽车研究所)



Dénes Takács worked at the MTA-BME Research Group on Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles in Budapest from 2011 and 2018. Since 2018, he is an Associate Professor at BME. He also spent a year at the University of Michigan as a research scholar. His research interests include tire and vehicle dynamics, nonlinear dynamics and time-delay systems.



This seminar focuses on the basic models of vehicle dynamics. First, we summarize the fundamentals of nonholonomic mechanical systems. We derive the kinematic constraint of the rolling wheel. The linear stability of the shopping trolley, the towed wheel and the skateboard is investigated. The basic single-track vehicle model (the so-called kinematic bicycle model) is introduced. After that, the simplest tire models are applied in the dynamic single-track model. Lateral stability and handling of the vehicle are analyzed. Longitudinal and lateral dynamics of automated vehicles are investigated when automated cruise control and lane-keeping control are applied, and feedback delay is considered.

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