题目:Vibration Measurements and Analysis: My Experience and Current Research
时间:2024年5月16日 15:30-17:30
地点:j9九游会官方网页版 F210会议室
邀请人:何清波 教授(振动、冲击、噪声研究所)
Prof. Jyoti K. Sinha is Programme Director of Reliability Engineering and Asset Management (REAM) MSc course, and Head, Dynamics Laboratory, School of Engineering, The University of Manchester, UK.
Prof. Sinha is internationally well-known experts in Vibration-based Condition Monitoring and Maintenance of Machines and Structures. Prof. Sinha is listed in the Subject-wise ranking of top 2% scientist in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 (4 times in row) compiled based on an independent study done by Stanford University. He is involved in and solved a number of industrial vibration problems of machines, piping and structures by in-situ vibration measurements and analysis in many plants in last 35 years. He is the author of more than 275 publications (Journals, conferences, books, edited book/conference proceedings and technical reports) and gave a number of keynote/invited lectures. He is author of 2 well-received book “Vibration Analysis, Instruments and Signal Processing” and “Industrial Approaches in Vibration-based Condition Monitoring”. He is also co-author of 2 more books.
Prof. Sinha has started a series of an International Conference of Maintenance Engineering (IncoME) from August 2016. Prof. Sinha is the Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Maintenance, Reliability and Condition Monitoring (MARC), the Associate Editor of 4 international journals, and the Editorial Board Member of 4 international journals. Prof. Sinha is also technical committee member of IFTOMM Rotordynamics and several international conferences.
1)My experience with the different objectives of the vibration measurements and analysis.
2)Industrial case studies of machines and structures to improve the assets life based on the dynamics.
3)Current research on the vibration-based condition monitoring.