

时间:2023年12月22日 15:00-16:30

地点:j9九游会官方网页版 F310会议室

邀请人:周宝文 副教授(新能源动力研究所)



卢旭博士,2017至2020年于美国耶鲁大学化学系进行博士后研究,2021年3月于沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST)独立建组,专注高压二氧化碳电还原。团队成立迄今,原创科研成果已发表在Nature Communications(3篇)、Journal of the American Chemical Society、Angewandte Chemie、Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of the Energy Chemistry等国际顶级期刊,与美国西北大学、多伦多大学、巴黎大学、伦敦大学学院、清华大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、新加坡国立大学等高校保持紧密科研合作,并由沙特阿美、ACWA Power等公司资助进行千瓦级直接太阳能驱动质子交换膜/离子交换膜电解槽研发。



Electrochemical reduction of CO2 (CO2R) is a strategy aimed at completing the carbon cycle for chemical production. Until now, this field has primarily concentrated on performing electrolysis on CO2 at atmospheric pressure. Nevertheless, in industrial settings, CO2 is typically pressurized during its capture, transportation, and storage, often existing in dissolved state or gas phase. We discovered that subjecting CO2 to a pressure of 50 bar shifts the CO2R pathways towards formate, a phenomenon consistently observed across commonly used metal catalysts such as Cu, Ag, Au and Sn. By creating operando techniques that can operate effectively under high pressures, including a quantitative operando Raman spectroscopy, we have established a connection between the heightened preference for formate and the increased coverage of CO2 on the cathode surface. The interplay of theoretical models and experimental data supports this mechanism and guides us to enhance the cathode surface of a copper electrode with a layer that resists protons, thereby amplifying the formate-selective impact caused by pressure. Besides C1 products, we have uncovered the potential to electrochemically convert high-pressure gas-phase CO2 into C2 products, especially ethylene (C2H4). Our approach involved conducting density functional theory calculations to pinpoint a selection of copper alloys that facilitate the crucial C-C dimerization step under high pressure.




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