Int'l Student
Defense arrangements for Master graduates in December 2022




Confirm thesis proposal and mid-term report is passed

Before October 24, 2022

Please make sure you have finished thesis proposal and mid-term report online application. If you cannot submit online, please check if there’s any F on your transcript or you have not finished coursework.

Submit application form of graduation

Before October 28, 2022

Send attachment 1 with personal signature and supervisor’s signature to

Upload thesis online

Before October 31, 2022

1. You can check the repetition check results within 2 days.

2. Delete your personal info (see attachment 3 for format)

3. If you failed in repetition check, you cannot go on with next steps.

SJTU/ME school blind review

If you passed the repetition check, please click “Blind Trail” online. If you are sampled, your thesis will be sent by graduate school for blind review, otherwise, your thesis will attend blind review by ME school.

Expert review

1-5 days before your defense

Please ask your supervisor to recommend two thesis review experts in advance and then tell their names to secretary.

Submit defense application online


1. Pass the repetition check

2. Pass expert review

3. Thesis has been sent out for blind review.

Prepare with secretary for the defense materials


Between November 14-18, 2022

Secretary will keep you informed of the detailed arrangement.

Upload thesis online for archiving

The final thesis for online filing cannot be modified after upload. Please be very cautious.

Degree evaluation committee Meeting

December, 2022



1. You should keep the scanned files of defense resolution record, declaration page, and authorization page for archiving online.

2. Students who are unable to participate in the defense (the thesis are not completed, there are failing courses) are not included in the arrangement. Please submit the application for extension in time.


Attachment 1-Application form

Attachment 2-SJTU Thesis Format (English Version)

Attachment 3-Format Requirements of Thesis for Anonymous Assessment

Attachment 4-Declaration of Originality of Thesis

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